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Camp Prayer Warriors

·208 words·1 min·
TFC Connection
Connecting teens with the truth of Jesus Christ… teaching and equipping them to live out the Great Commission.
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Welcome TFC Camp Prayer Warrior!

We'd love for you to be a part of the TFC Camp prayer warriors! There are two main places to receive these updates. We'll be posting on Facebook for the many things you can be praying for, but if you'd like to have more real time communication with what's happening we have a chat room you can join on an app called Element to stay up to date and respond with your prayers so the staff will be able to read more frequently the things their communities are praying for camp and the students.

Make sure to follow our Facebook page to get those announcements! If you want to send back your prayers so the staff can have more real time connection with you, please follow along!

First you'll need an account on Element! Go here and create an account! Once you have an account, you'll need to click this link and join the room!

If for whatever reason the link is not working for you, that's ok! Send a message to in Element, and he'll send you an invite to the server!

As a final note, please follow us on Facebook and you'll see daily updates with what's happening at camp!